Title: Coaches Express Frustration and Urge Action in Ongoing Sign-Stealing Investigation at Michigan

During a video call with Big Ten commissioner Tony Petitti, the majority of coaches expressed their frustration regarding the ongoing investigation into sign-stealing at Michigan. The call lasted for 90 minutes, with Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh notably absent for nearly an hour. Coaches urged Petitti to take decisive action against Michigan, describing the situation as “tainted,” “fraudulent,” and “unprecedented.”

Michigan has been under investigation by the NCAA for approximately two weeks, focusing primarily on staff member Connor Stalions. Stalions is alleged to have purchased tickets to games involving 12 out of 13 Big Ten opponents over the past three years. It has been reported that Stalions acquired tickets to more than 35 games in at least 17 different stadiums.

During the video call, coaches explained to Petitti the significant impact of the sign-stealing scheme and highlighted Michigan’s clear advantage in terms of game strategies over the past three years. They emphasized the seriousness of the rule violations and brought attention to the detrimental effects it has had on fair competition.

However, due to the NCAA’s timeline for enforcement, any potential consequences from the Big Ten would not impact Michigan this season. It remains uncertain whether the conference intends to take action or if they are simply listening to the coaches’ concerns. The conference possesses the authority to penalize Michigan or its coaching staff under its Sportsmanship Policy. However, making a decision solely based on media evidence could pose challenges.

Alternatively, the Big Ten could initiate its own investigation into possible violations. The coaches are urging the conference and its presidents to exercise leadership and take decisive action, as they believe the severity of the violation calls for unprecedented measures.